William Rivers Pitt - The Greatest Sedition Is Silence.jpg
William Rivers Pitt - The Greatest Sedition Is Silence.jpg Rozmiar 16 KB |
Burning with anger, this incisive and readable book argues that, under George W. Bush, America makes a mockery of the values of liberty and truth that it purports to stand for, and that it is now more important than ever to speak out.
William Rivers Pitt reveals how the crisis in American has been engineered by a group of Christian conservatives, whose attempts in 1998 to bring down the Clinton government led to a perversion of the American electoral process, resulting in the illegitimate installation of George W. Bush into the Presidency by five like-minded conservative Justices of the Supreme Court.
In the aftermath of September 11th, America has in many senses lost its way. Citizens are counseled to "watch what they say" by the White House, just as questions of deadly import are ignored by the government and the media. In their rush to defend "liberty", George Bush and his allies are actually endangering the freedom of the individual, as laid down in international law. Yet how do we save freedom by limiting it? Why, after all this time, have there been no answers regarding what really happened on 9/11?
Pitt's message is clear: seeking answers and demanding truth is not treasonous. In these dangerous days, with all that is at stake, the greatest sedition in America is silence.